Automating repetitive business processes will help you achieve significant efficiency gains and help drive growth in your business.

““Clearly the most unfortunate people are those who must do the same thing over and over again, every minute, or perhaps twenty to the minute. They deserve the shortest hours and the highest pay.”
John Kenneth Galbraith
3 dominant problems are usually experienced from businesses that don’t automate repetitive processes…
High resource cost
Inefficient processes create an environment where money is unecessarily tied up in staffing resource doing manual & repetitive tasks rather than realising their full potential and capacity
Time wasted
So much time is spent administering manual processes that it’s hard to stay productive. And with no time to spare its even harder to get visibility on where the source of the bottlenecks are.
Inconsistent outcomes
Where processes are subject to human judgement, capability, and mental state at the time of transaction, it creates an environment with a high risk of costly mistakes. The problem compounds even further with ever-increasing cyber threats, in which these types of manual processes are most vunerable to.
The 3 key payoffs your business will experience through Automation are
Greater efficiency
Our discovery phase, which is the first step in our methodology, highlights areas where automation will be the most successful. By targeting areas with specific criteria, our process enables our customers to move their staff into higher value and more creative roles within the business. This gives them far greater return on their staffing assets, and helps maximise profit per employee
Greater productivity
One of the key steps of our methodology is to understand the end to end process to the point of being able to accuratley define its purpose. Having this deep understanding allows us to create a secure end to end automation that requires a minimal amount of human management. Time previously spent adminstering the process is therefore spent elsewhere in the business creating far greater value.
Greater consistancy
Our technology will help our clients acheive far greater consistency by removing mistakes that would be easy for a person to make. If developed correctly, the software doesn't make mistakes, it only raises exceptions. When an exception is created it requires a person to make a decision, but this becomes a very small part proportionate to the rest of the workflow.

Our partnership with SmartUi Group gives us the ability to go much further than just helping your solve your print problems.
Talk to Blueprint about how we can bring you:
More streamlined and efficient business processes
Happier and more productive employees
A much better experience for your customers